Do you want to easily preserve your most beautiful memories?

Easily create your emotional 'will' now.

Try the app and immortalize your love for your loved ones.

5 stars from 200+ users

Karel Janssens
Verified user
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What a fantastic app! Taking a moment to consider what I would like to tell my family and friends gives me completely new insights into our bond. I would recommend it to everyone to download, not only for when you might pass away but just to strengthen the love you feel for everyone.
Marie De Segher
Verified user
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It's not easy to think about this, but I want to make sure that everyone I love always has something to remember me by.
Bart Pelemans
Verified user
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Wow, this app is really great! I'm sure I have many years ahead of me, but it feels good to leave behind a sort of digital legacy. The ease of use is nice, I've been able to share my love. Hopefully, it will be a long time before they have to read this, but it's reassuring that it's in good hands.
Stef Donckers
Verified user
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This app is handy for pragmatists. It does what it says without any fuss. No hassle, just an easy way to leave important messages. I appreciate the direct approach and the fact that it allows me to handle my affairs without sentimental fuss. A useful addition to my 'just-in-case' file.
Carla Rodriguez
Verified user
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This thing has touched my heart in ways I didn't expect. The ability to express love and leave memories behind is a blessing. The simple interface allows me to feel deeply, and my messages will surely provide comfort. An emotional, valuable experience for everyone.
Philip Van Houten
Verified user
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As someone who plans everything, I greatly appreciate this app. It allows me to leave my finances, final wishes, and important information neatly organized. The ability to share specific things provides peace of mind. Useful for those who want to maintain control, even after passing away.
Wouter Claes
Verified user
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Who said leaving this world couldn't be funny? With this app, I've left not only serious things behind but also a few funny memories. An app with a wink to the afterlife that I'm sure my loved ones will appreciate!

How it works:

Easily store messages for your loved ones?

Don't want to lose some memories? Even when you're no longer here. Photos and videos, letters and personal messages? Or documents and data to help your loved ones handle financial and other practical matters? Memoreaz makes it easy for you.

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Functions of the app

Share memories

Create video, photo, text, and audio messages for people you choose, these will be sent after your death.

Share your wishes

Describe your wishes for your pet's care, funeral, medical treatments, and other matters in the event of your (sudden) death.


Make a bucket list to get the most out of life!
Share your goals with others to make even more memories together.

Important information

Be sure to save all passwords and important documents so that your loved ones have immediate access after your death.

Why use the app?

To leave a personal message
after your passing

The 'Memoreaz' app is a valuable and practical tool that helps loved ones cope with the loss of their dear ones.


Share personal memories with your loved ones.


Quickly upload files (photos, videos, audio messages, documents, ...)

Discreet & secure

Your data and files are stored encrypted (Premium version).


Only grant access to your files to the people you choose.

How much does it cost?

Choose between the Light or Premium version.






€29.99 yearly




€2,99 per maand

About the app

Do you have any questions?

Are you interested in the app? Do you want to try it out? If so, download the app. Do you have any questions? You will likely find the answer in our frequently asked questions list.

What is the difference between the Light and Premium versions?

With the free Light version, you can view and try everything. However, please note that you can only store text files on the server (in the cloud). In the event of death, only text documents will be forwarded. Storage capacity is also limited. All other files will be stored locally and encrypted on your device. This way, you can easily transfer them to a paid Premium account later if needed.

No problem! If you're fully convinced, go for Memoreaz Premium and enjoy all the features. Rest assured, nothing will be lost; all your files will be automatically transferred from Light to Premium.