Find answers to your questions?

At the bottom, you will find everything about the most frequently asked questions.

Is the app free or paying?

The lite version is free

For the premium version, you pay:

  • € 3,5 (btw inclusief) / maand
  • € 35,99 (btw inclusief) / jaar

With the free Light version, you can view and try everything. However, please note that you can only store text files on the server (in the cloud). In the event of death, only text documents will be forwarded. Storage capacity is also limited. All other files will be stored locally and encrypted on your device. This way, you can easily transfer them to a paid Premium account later if needed.

Availble in the App Store and Google Play

No problem! If you're fully convinced, go for Memoreaz Premium and enjoy all the features. Rest assured, nothing will be lost; all your files will be automatically transferred from Light to Premium.

  • Development: Building and maintaining a high-quality application requires significant time and resources from developers, designers, testers, and other professionals.
  • Support and maintenance: By adopting a paid model, Memoreaz can continuously provide updates, bug fixes, and technical support to ensure the application functions optimally.
  • Privacy and data protection: Memoreaz does not sell your data. Instead, they rely on revenue from paying users to cover costs, ensuring a safer and more confidential experience.
  • No advertising: A paid model means there's no need to display advertisements, resulting in a cleaner and more enjoyable user experience.

Penetration testing, also called “pen testing,” can help with the security of an application (app) by looking for vulnerabilities, or weaknesses, that hackers can exploit. For the slightly older generation, you can compare a pen test with testing the security of your home.

Imagine you want to check how safe your home is from burglars. You hire someone who tries to break in, but in a safe way and with your permission. This person looks for ways someone could get in, such as a poorly locked window or a weak front door. At the end of the test you will receive a report stating what the weak points are and how you can improve them, for example by installing a stronger door or better locks.

A pen test for an app works much the same, but it concerns digital weaknesses. For example, the security expert tries to log in without a password or access sensitive information that should be well protected. If something is found, you will receive advice on how to improve security.

In summary, a pen test helps to ensure that an app is better protected against hackers and other digital threats, so that users are safer and data does not just end up on the street.

How do I activate a prepaid card?

If you don't already have the application:

    -Scan QR-code

    -Play or Appstore/ app download

    -Create Account

    -Follow steps in the app

    -Scan the ticket back + activate it

If you already have an application:

    -Scan QR-code

    -Automatically opens the app

    -Enter PIN code + activate

Enter the code of your own card, which is below the QR code.

Is it no longer readable:

    1.Scan Qr-code.

    2.Automatically you will be taken to the bereavement-memoreaz page.

    3.In unique code box you will find the code.

When logging in, you use the email and password you entered during the registration process. Once logged into Memoreaz, you can choose a PIN code to secure the app on your mobile device.

A new password can be requested on the login page within the app itself. It will then send an email with instructions to reset your password.

Files, contact information, and other data are locally encrypted using the XChaCha20-Poly1305 algorithm. Because encryption occurs locally, no unencrypted (unsecured) files will ever be uploaded. Additionally, all communication to the Memoreaz server is transmitted over the HTTPS protocol. Therefore, all data is encrypted both 'in transit' and 'at rest'.

How to upgrade a free plan?
How to upgrade a free plan?


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Essensteenweg 12
2950 Kapellen

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